Web Accidental Wine

Monday, August 06, 2007

Question Time

I know it's been a long time since I posted here, but the summer's been incredibly busy. Have no idea why, but it has been. Oh yeah - my computer was down for a long while but thanks to some very nice people (you know who you are) I now have a more modern computer. It's still technically not up yet - need to buy a virus protection program - but I'll soon be back up and running.

You might also notice that I have a new tagboard over there ------------>>. That's also due to someone very nice to me (you know who you are, too). You can actually put a comment in once and it will show up only once when you hit the "send" key!

Let's put it to good use, shall we?

Please use it to ask me any question you have about wine, my wine preferences...or my wine experiences. Anything regarding wine, really...

OK, who's got questions?


PS: Real blog posts will occur in the near future

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At 9:16 AM, August 07, 2007, Blogger The General said...

Mark: I just saw your blogspot. I will now become a regular user.
The General


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